EST. 2010
Rotator Cuff Repair
Weeks 1 - 2
Passive range of motion
Soft tissue manipulation
Isometric exercises - 50%
Initiate loading on elbows
Continuous passive Movement (CPM) - increasing 8° Flexion and 4° external rotation every other day.
Begin home exercise program
Example exercises
Isometric Flexion, Extension, External Rotation, Internal Rotation
Weeks 3 - 4
Increase Isometrics exercises to 100%
Cross friction massage to scars and adhesion tissue
Introduce assisted active range of motion - broomstick exercises
Introduce quadraped loading (hands and knees)
Initiate sling removal - start with 1 hour out of the sling.
Scapular stability exercises
Example Exercises
Broomstick shoulder flexion, external rotation, quadraped rocking
Weeks 5 - 6
Introduce resisted shoulder range of motion - Therabands
Introdcue Weighted exercises
Introduce shoulder bike / UBE
Establish full range of motion into flexion
Introduction of frontal plane movement (lateral movement)
Example Exercises
Broomstick exercises with Hold at the top, Theraband resisted flexion, extension, Internal rotation, External Rotation, biceps, triceps,
Weeks 7 - 8
Establish full ROM into Abduction
Advance theraband exercises
Continued to improve scapular activation (shoulder blade)
Patient should be completely out of the sling
Assisted circumduction exercises
Advancing quadraped exercises (hands and knees)
Weeks 9 - 12
Establish full ROM
Improve strengthing in all planes
Preparation for work duties if needed
Improve all ADLs that were effected post-op
Preparation for work conditioning if needed.