EST. 2010
Food Sensitivity
IgG Food Antibody Assessment is a food sensitivity test which helps identify those with true IgE-mediated allergies as well as IgG-mediated food sensitivities. This immunological food sensitivity test measures IgG antibody levels to 87 foods, and total IgE. Additional sensitivity tests are also available for regional inhalants, molds, vegetables, and spices. This antibody food sensitivity test is ideal for patients who may suffer from delayed reactions/sensitivities to specific foods. It may also provide insight on intolerances, or non-immune responses, to certain foods. Additionally, the IgG Food Antibody Assessment includes a customized True Relief rotation diet plan.
Why use the food sensitivity test?
The incidence of food sensitivities has increased dramatically over the years. It is estimated that up to 20% of the population have adverse reactions to foods, NSAID enteropathy, and post-infectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Increased total antigenic load related to food and environmental sensitivities has been associated with a wide range of medical conditions affecting virtually every part of the body. Mood and behavior, including hyperactivity disorders in children are profoundly influenced by food allergies.
IgG-Mediated symptoms may include:
Ear Infections
Classic skin testing for allergies such as skin-scratch testing only measures IgE-mediated reactions. Assessment of relative IgG antibody levels to a multitude of foods using sensitive Enzyme-Linked-Immnosorbent Assay (ELISA) technology identifies those foods against which the patient is producing antibodies. Measuring both relative IgE and IgG antibody levels provides an invaluable starting point for dietary intervention.
Example Results
All information above is from Genova Diagnostics website. Genova Diagnositics is a Laboratory analysis company used by River Forest Health and Wellness